Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Quinn at the club

I took Quinn to the Greater Lincoln Obedience Club building. There was an Agility Fundamentals class and a Good Dog Level 1 class so there were plenty of dogs present.
He was barking when we pulled into the parking lot, but I waited him out and made him stay in the crate (door open) until he calmed down.
We then walked around a bit and let him potty if needed. When another trainer drove in we moved to the street. She had her very calm Border Collie with her and Quinn barked maybe once, but quickly calmed down.
We went into the building and he initially barked a couple of times, I corrected him and started rewarding him for being calm. I moved in to the office door several times and moved so he could see the other dogs in the building and again rewarded for calm behavior and then moved back into the office.
At one point another trainer brought her dogs towards the office. She came up on us quickly and Quinn began getting very upset. I asked her to wait for a minute in the doorway, then I calmed him down and moved him to the back of the office. He did very well, he didn't bark at them as they came close and left the building. He knows her dog, but on-leash in the building is very different from off leash in my backyard.
Overall I think he had a good session. I'm working up to being in the ring next to a beginning class or agility class. I don't think he'll ever be able to handle a Flyball class.

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