My goal is to take Quinn into the ring and earn his P-CD.
AKC has a new titling class that's Preferred Novice. It's standard Novice, but the sit (or down) stay is similar to the sit-stay in Beginning Novice. In other words, no group sit and down! Yay.
For Quinn that's the only way I'll be comfortable getting a CD on him. He knows the exercises, but he's frightened of other dogs and I've worked very hard with him quite a bit. There was a time when I couldn't even take him to a trial. Since then he's earned his RE and BN, so he's improved immensely, but I know I wouldn't feel confident of his behavior in a group of dogs.
So today, I practiced the sit-stay, he did fine, but we were in my dining room, not much of a challenge. My sister brought me a pizza for supper (we shared) and I had her help me practice the Moving Stand. The first time, he did the stand and held the exam, which is tough because he loves Alicia and wants nothing more than to jump on her and give her kisses. When I called him to heel, he came to heel, but didn't sit. Oops, we need to work on that. The second time, I broke it up and did the stand and exam. Then rewarded him, reset the stand and called him to heel, he did much better.
Tomorrow, I want to practice a full Novice routine, we'll see how that goes!
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