Here we are another month gone by and I'm not posting frequently. Classes have ended at the obedience club, but I'm still assisting with a new instructor. I'm trying to teach Missy some tricks--my goal is to teach her several tricks (roll-over, shake, spin, etc) to distract people from trying to pet her. Until I've gotten her over her fear of strangers, I need to keep people from causing her to regress. Our stand stay is coming along. She's learning to allow me to come up to her and touch her on her back. Even my sisters cause her to 'melt' (lay down with ears pinned back). I've begun teaching her go outs and the glove exercise. Nothing really formal, just the basic ground work right now.
Quinn has learned to actually play with toys. I played fetch with him at the building with a rubber knot toy. He played with a plastic Frisbee at my house and at my sister's . This is a huge step, because always before he was too frightened of Danny to play with anything.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Not Bad, Just Enthusiastic!

Well, I decided after Missy's fiasco at the agility trial, I need a little more control over her.
So I'm taking a Novice Ready class with her. I've always called her my 'bad dog' because she's just a little wild and out of control. I now have to rethink that. It seems she can really settle down and do some nice heeling. Her stays are terrible, she stands or comes to me at anything out of the ordinary. Obviously as confident as she appears, she needs to be more comfortable on long stays.
She has a great stand-stay, but the exam part causes her to melt into a white puddle on the floor. Right now I'm having people walk up to her and feed her on the stand or walk around her. I need to make sure she doesn't practice the melting behavior.
Her agility is improving, I can't see it, but my instructor says she is getting better.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Where has time gone? July Trials in Omaha
Wow, I didn't realize how long it's been since I posted last!
Quinn earned his RN title at the Qwest Center in July. It was a huge show and he didn't do as well as he has in the past.
He was very upset when he saw Bazz, a Siberian Husky and a Doberman playing together before we went into the ring. He barked at them in an attempt to get them to stop. He was frightened of the row of small dogs in the grooming area barking every time a dog walked by their crates and I was caught unaware and didn't spend much time warming him up or getting his attention. We got a 93 because he spent the first 5 obstacles settling down and focusing on me.
Overall it could have been much worse. When we went into the ring with all the other qualifiers, he was NOT upset by the clapping or the other dogs in the ring. Back at Seward he was very upset by the 'uncontrolled' dogs in the ring with him.
I also entered Missy in Agility and handled my sister's Siberian in conformation and Papillon in Agility.
Missy went into the Novice Jumpers ring and because of poor handling on my part we got a wrong course.
When we went into the Novice Standard ring she did very well until we reached the chute. She ran in then came back out, I sent her in and she got to the fabric then backed out. I sent her again (3rd Refusal) and stood over the end calling her until she came out. The only thing I can figure is they were using small sandbags in the chute and she's never seen them before. Another thing to train for.
After she came out of the chute she basically had lost her mind and was not quite to zoomies, but certainly was not listening to me. When she blew past a jump and hit the A-frame in a wrong course I called her and we left the ring. For much of the rest of the weekend, she did better in Jumpers than Standard. Though she never left the ring, and she came to me when I called her. Obviously we weren't quite ready to compete.
Quinn earned his RN title at the Qwest Center in July. It was a huge show and he didn't do as well as he has in the past.
He was very upset when he saw Bazz, a Siberian Husky and a Doberman playing together before we went into the ring. He barked at them in an attempt to get them to stop. He was frightened of the row of small dogs in the grooming area barking every time a dog walked by their crates and I was caught unaware and didn't spend much time warming him up or getting his attention. We got a 93 because he spent the first 5 obstacles settling down and focusing on me.
Overall it could have been much worse. When we went into the ring with all the other qualifiers, he was NOT upset by the clapping or the other dogs in the ring. Back at Seward he was very upset by the 'uncontrolled' dogs in the ring with him.
I also entered Missy in Agility and handled my sister's Siberian in conformation and Papillon in Agility.
Missy went into the Novice Jumpers ring and because of poor handling on my part we got a wrong course.
When we went into the Novice Standard ring she did very well until we reached the chute. She ran in then came back out, I sent her in and she got to the fabric then backed out. I sent her again (3rd Refusal) and stood over the end calling her until she came out. The only thing I can figure is they were using small sandbags in the chute and she's never seen them before. Another thing to train for.
After she came out of the chute she basically had lost her mind and was not quite to zoomies, but certainly was not listening to me. When she blew past a jump and hit the A-frame in a wrong course I called her and we left the ring. For much of the rest of the weekend, she did better in Jumpers than Standard. Though she never left the ring, and she came to me when I called her. Obviously we weren't quite ready to compete.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Butt Work
Quinn's butt not mine!
I haven't posted in a while, but I'm working with Quinn on getting him to move rear sideways (lateral movement) instead of just his front half.
Using Shirley's methods I'm working on teaching him to move his rear to a finger point and a verbal command. He's slowly getting the idea.
A method I'd been taught by Shirley then reinforced by Betty (a T-touch practitioner) I've been having Quinn walk through a ladder like object. In this case I've been using a set of 4 weave poles tipped on their side. It seems to be helping a little, though he was very frightened of them at first. This helps them to think about their body and learn that they have a rear end.
On Missy's training I've been working on teaching her tricks. I've practiced crawling, rolling over and 'begging'. She's gotten a little confused on nose touches versus, hitting something with her paw. I'll be working on that.
I haven't posted in a while, but I'm working with Quinn on getting him to move rear sideways (lateral movement) instead of just his front half.
Using Shirley's methods I'm working on teaching him to move his rear to a finger point and a verbal command. He's slowly getting the idea.
A method I'd been taught by Shirley then reinforced by Betty (a T-touch practitioner) I've been having Quinn walk through a ladder like object. In this case I've been using a set of 4 weave poles tipped on their side. It seems to be helping a little, though he was very frightened of them at first. This helps them to think about their body and learn that they have a rear end.
On Missy's training I've been working on teaching her tricks. I've practiced crawling, rolling over and 'begging'. She's gotten a little confused on nose touches versus, hitting something with her paw. I'll be working on that.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Quinn's big weekend
I haven't posted in a while. At the beginning of April I decided to enter Quinn in the Rally trial in Seward, NE. Since then, I've been hard at work on heeling with Quinn. I discovered I had not taught him the go around finish and we needed to practice on that.
Yesterday was Quinn's first time ever in an obedience (Rally) competition. When I saw the map, I realized he would do okay on most of the exercises, but there was a finish right (oh, no!)
So I bought some liver bait--I had forgotten my freshly prepared chicken livers at home and we went to the parking lot to practice a few more times the dreaded 'go-round' finish.
My other big concern with Quinn is he's still somewhat reactive around other dogs. Mostly he barks and acts a fool around dogs that are out of control in his opinion. So using some of the liver bait, I lured him into the building and he did very well ignoring the other dogs and focusing on me. The worst part was there were a lot of Novice A people/dogs around and they did not seem to have their dogs under control at all. I had two people allow there dogs to just wander up to me and Quinn.
Just an FYI for all the Novice A people out there. Even if your dog is nice, not every one else will have a dog that likes to have other dogs in their faces.
We finally got into the ring and went through the exercises pretty quickly. I was happy with his performance. I knew we'd made a few mistakes, but he stayed focused and happy. I was even happier to discover we'd earned a 98 and second place. Alicia said we'd actually taking only 52 seconds to complete the course.
His two mistakes were, 1 point for 'interference' --which means he bumped me or I bumped him. And at one point, for one point, he got out of heel position. I took him outside during Novice A and we missed going in for our ribbons, I was a little disappointed with that.
But for a debut, I was very very pleased.
Today was better on the performance, not as good with overall control in the building. He growled and barked once outside the ring and I had to tell someone quite forcefully to keep their dog away from me and mine.
In the ring he was great! He focused on me and stayed in very good heel position most of the time. The very first sign was a sit and he sat wide. I don't know if I lost his attention or if I didn't give him the correct sit signal. Either way I need to practice that.
That was pretty much the only thing he did wrong. We were one of four teams to earn a 99. I was thrilled to learn we were the fastest team with 50 seconds. Not only did we get a very pretty blue ribbon, but a first place trophy as well. Overall, I don't really care about the placements, but I can't help but be happy when it happens.
The only downer was when we went in to get our ribbons Quinn was really conscious of the other dogs and had a lot of difficulty not lunging after any of them. I kept my hands on him and talked to him and moved him away several times. I also need to work on having people applaud--he did not like that either.
Yesterday was Quinn's first time ever in an obedience (Rally) competition. When I saw the map, I realized he would do okay on most of the exercises, but there was a finish right (oh, no!)
So I bought some liver bait--I had forgotten my freshly prepared chicken livers at home and we went to the parking lot to practice a few more times the dreaded 'go-round' finish.
My other big concern with Quinn is he's still somewhat reactive around other dogs. Mostly he barks and acts a fool around dogs that are out of control in his opinion. So using some of the liver bait, I lured him into the building and he did very well ignoring the other dogs and focusing on me. The worst part was there were a lot of Novice A people/dogs around and they did not seem to have their dogs under control at all. I had two people allow there dogs to just wander up to me and Quinn.
Just an FYI for all the Novice A people out there. Even if your dog is nice, not every one else will have a dog that likes to have other dogs in their faces.
We finally got into the ring and went through the exercises pretty quickly. I was happy with his performance. I knew we'd made a few mistakes, but he stayed focused and happy. I was even happier to discover we'd earned a 98 and second place. Alicia said we'd actually taking only 52 seconds to complete the course.
His two mistakes were, 1 point for 'interference' --which means he bumped me or I bumped him. And at one point, for one point, he got out of heel position. I took him outside during Novice A and we missed going in for our ribbons, I was a little disappointed with that.
But for a debut, I was very very pleased.
Today was better on the performance, not as good with overall control in the building. He growled and barked once outside the ring and I had to tell someone quite forcefully to keep their dog away from me and mine.
In the ring he was great! He focused on me and stayed in very good heel position most of the time. The very first sign was a sit and he sat wide. I don't know if I lost his attention or if I didn't give him the correct sit signal. Either way I need to practice that.
That was pretty much the only thing he did wrong. We were one of four teams to earn a 99. I was thrilled to learn we were the fastest team with 50 seconds. Not only did we get a very pretty blue ribbon, but a first place trophy as well. Overall, I don't really care about the placements, but I can't help but be happy when it happens.
The only downer was when we went in to get our ribbons Quinn was really conscious of the other dogs and had a lot of difficulty not lunging after any of them. I kept my hands on him and talked to him and moved him away several times. I also need to work on having people applaud--he did not like that either.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Door Training!
Today I did some training with my dogs and a guest dog. I spent time teaching my dogs not to run out the door without permission.
I learned this technique from a very good trainer and friend, Shirley Chong.
The premise is you let the dog dash outside, (onlead) give them enough room to stand and think about what's happening, but not have any fun. Let them back in and tell them what a horrible experience they just had. If they control themselves, you Click and Treat them for hesitating, for sitting and for looking at you.
I did a refresher on Danny and started with 15 seconds, then doubled it to 30, then 1 minute. He then figured it out and didn't dash out the door. He's done this before, but I know he's had some chances to practice bad behavior in the recent past.
Missy was next, I've been somewhat afraid of trying this, she chews on leashes and I was concerned she might escape. I used a very thick nylon lead that belonged to my first dog, a GSD.
She didn't take long (just a minute) before she was sitting and waiting at the door.
Quinn was last, he took the longest at 2 minutes. I think being outside without me wasn't pleasant, he did whine and bark a few times, but he just couldn't resist dashing out that open door. Tomorrow we'll try the front door and then Tuesday go back to the side door.
I learned this technique from a very good trainer and friend, Shirley Chong.
The premise is you let the dog dash outside, (onlead) give them enough room to stand and think about what's happening, but not have any fun. Let them back in and tell them what a horrible experience they just had. If they control themselves, you Click and Treat them for hesitating, for sitting and for looking at you.
I did a refresher on Danny and started with 15 seconds, then doubled it to 30, then 1 minute. He then figured it out and didn't dash out the door. He's done this before, but I know he's had some chances to practice bad behavior in the recent past.
Missy was next, I've been somewhat afraid of trying this, she chews on leashes and I was concerned she might escape. I used a very thick nylon lead that belonged to my first dog, a GSD.
She didn't take long (just a minute) before she was sitting and waiting at the door.
Quinn was last, he took the longest at 2 minutes. I think being outside without me wasn't pleasant, he did whine and bark a few times, but he just couldn't resist dashing out that open door. Tomorrow we'll try the front door and then Tuesday go back to the side door.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Training at home
I went to class last week, but this week I missed. I've been working with Quinn on stays, in particular distance rather than time. I also have worked a little on teaching him to move his butt to the left (his left). He has a nice move to the right, he'll move laterally with me, but he has a tendency to move too far to the right and has difficulty moving to the left. So we'll do that twice as much.
Missy is my demo dog for the new Intermediate class, I told the students that she needs the class as much, if not more than their dogs! In that class we're really focusing on distraction proofing and teaching the dogs to focus on the owner. Two of the dogs really don't seem to care if their owners are around. So we'll do a lot of recalls and work on responsible heeling.
Missy is my demo dog for the new Intermediate class, I told the students that she needs the class as much, if not more than their dogs! In that class we're really focusing on distraction proofing and teaching the dogs to focus on the owner. Two of the dogs really don't seem to care if their owners are around. So we'll do a lot of recalls and work on responsible heeling.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April Fool's Stay
I haven't posted recently, but I have been training.
At my last Novice Ready class, Quinn was still having a very difficult time holding his stay. He'd be able to last until I was 22' away then he usually broke and came to me.
So I wondered why 9 paces was the magic number? It seems my usual training area (my dining room and living room) only allows me to get about 22 feet away from him. So today I put him in the kitchen and walked to the other end of my house. He only broke once. I kept returning to him and feeding him. I didn't do any recalls, because I really need to get the stay/wait part solid before I add anything else.
Danny got sucked into the stay vortex and ended up doing stays with Quinn. Missy just ran around behind me. I realize I should have had her do stays also (hers are worse than the boys). But I'm recovering from a cold and didn't have the energy to deal with her today.
I read my most recent Front and Finish and there was an article on a different method to teach scent discrimination. I've always had difficulty teaching this exercise, because my dogs love to retrieve and really don't care too much about the scenting part. It uses Altoid tins, so now I need to go out and get 5 tins.
On March 24, I layed a track for Danny as soon as I got off work. It had just one turn, it was about 50 yards down the side of the parking lot in front of my workplace then a turn about 5 yards and then the glove. Danny's not always solid on turns, he does fringe, so I wanted some age on the track.
I went home changed clothes and went back. Danny started out great, unfortunately the area I started the track had stickers, so he kept having to stop so I could remove them (or he could chew them out). After we got through the bad stuff, he did very well. When we came to the corner, he barely casted around, almost immediately took the corner. He was doing great.
At my last Novice Ready class, Quinn was still having a very difficult time holding his stay. He'd be able to last until I was 22' away then he usually broke and came to me.
So I wondered why 9 paces was the magic number? It seems my usual training area (my dining room and living room) only allows me to get about 22 feet away from him. So today I put him in the kitchen and walked to the other end of my house. He only broke once. I kept returning to him and feeding him. I didn't do any recalls, because I really need to get the stay/wait part solid before I add anything else.
Danny got sucked into the stay vortex and ended up doing stays with Quinn. Missy just ran around behind me. I realize I should have had her do stays also (hers are worse than the boys). But I'm recovering from a cold and didn't have the energy to deal with her today.
I read my most recent Front and Finish and there was an article on a different method to teach scent discrimination. I've always had difficulty teaching this exercise, because my dogs love to retrieve and really don't care too much about the scenting part. It uses Altoid tins, so now I need to go out and get 5 tins.
On March 24, I layed a track for Danny as soon as I got off work. It had just one turn, it was about 50 yards down the side of the parking lot in front of my workplace then a turn about 5 yards and then the glove. Danny's not always solid on turns, he does fringe, so I wanted some age on the track.
I went home changed clothes and went back. Danny started out great, unfortunately the area I started the track had stickers, so he kept having to stop so I could remove them (or he could chew them out). After we got through the bad stuff, he did very well. When we came to the corner, he barely casted around, almost immediately took the corner. He was doing great.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Quinn's progress
I haven't posted in a few weeks, but I have trained! I'm still taking Quinn to the Novice Ready class when I don't work. This past week he was very barky when we went into the building. A member has several small dogs and they're very barky so Quinn really wanted to control them. I recently watched a Patricia McConnell DVD where she demonstrates a method of teaching the dog to look at another dog on command. If done correctly it teaches your dog that looking at another dog does not mean they must escalate their arousal or become reactive. They look at the other dog just as if it's any other behavior they can be rewarded for, i.e. sitting, shaking paw, etc. I began working on this behavior and realized I need to make sure that I teach this completely separate from any ring behaviors. I can't be rewarding him for looking at another dog when I cue it and then expecting perfect attention.
So I will be going to the club to work on one behavior at a time.
I was so proud of Quinn because he held his sit even though the out of control BC was right next to him. He was on a long line, but I was at the end of it. He did break on the down. He came to me (which I'm not upset over) when the OocBC broke his down and his owner corrected him sharply.
Overall Quinn did a very nice job. I just need to practice on his stays more (hmmm, that sounds familiar!)
So I will be going to the club to work on one behavior at a time.
I was so proud of Quinn because he held his sit even though the out of control BC was right next to him. He was on a long line, but I was at the end of it. He did break on the down. He came to me (which I'm not upset over) when the OocBC broke his down and his owner corrected him sharply.
Overall Quinn did a very nice job. I just need to practice on his stays more (hmmm, that sounds familiar!)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
A New Place
Today I took Quinn to a fun match at a club in a nearby city. I dragged my sister with so I'd have company and a sympathetic ear on the trip home. We arrived early so we'd find crate space and be able to let Quinn just hang out for awhile. When Quinn first arrived Alicia brought him in with her dog. When her dog spotted some poodles in a crate by the door he began to bark, so Quinn had to try to protect 'the pack'. Alicia calmed him down and came on in. Overall moving around the building he did fine, no outbursts. He barked a little in the crate so we did cover it. Occasionally he growled, but did well there too.
On the On-lead heel he was very distracted and I actually stepped on him. He did very well on the figure 8, but he moved on the stand for exam. Part of it was the 'judge' was very hesitant about touching him.
He really wanted to be submissive and go to her. I had to remind him to stay and re-place him. He did actually get examined, with me very close to him. The heel off lead was better, he jumped on my on the fast (which I've just started working on seriously). His recall was short--half the ring, because there were a couple of dogs right by the ring gate and I just didn't trust him to keep his mind on the task. He waited quite nicely even with the judge behind him and I had her call the recall command twice and he held it nicely. When I did call him he raced to me and jumped on me. Since I'm not working on fronts, it was a good recall.
On the sit and down I stayed 6' away. He held them, but he did mutter and talk on the sit stay. As we left the ring, I didn't pay close enough attention and a dog got too close and he went off. I grabbed him and pulled him away--he didn't make any contact just noise. He's not ring ready, but he's coming along nicely.
On the On-lead heel he was very distracted and I actually stepped on him. He did very well on the figure 8, but he moved on the stand for exam. Part of it was the 'judge' was very hesitant about touching him.
He really wanted to be submissive and go to her. I had to remind him to stay and re-place him. He did actually get examined, with me very close to him. The heel off lead was better, he jumped on my on the fast (which I've just started working on seriously). His recall was short--half the ring, because there were a couple of dogs right by the ring gate and I just didn't trust him to keep his mind on the task. He waited quite nicely even with the judge behind him and I had her call the recall command twice and he held it nicely. When I did call him he raced to me and jumped on me. Since I'm not working on fronts, it was a good recall.
On the sit and down I stayed 6' away. He held them, but he did mutter and talk on the sit stay. As we left the ring, I didn't pay close enough attention and a dog got too close and he went off. I grabbed him and pulled him away--he didn't make any contact just noise. He's not ring ready, but he's coming along nicely.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Quinn's Novice Ready Class
I've been taking Quinn to a Novice Ready class taught by another club member. I haven't been able to attend all the classes, (darn work!) but I've made most of them.
We did some heeling working on fast, where Quinn jumps at me a little; and we practiced our fronts and recalls. Then Robin had each of us do a Novice run through. Quinn got to go first, he did outstanding on heel on leash, and the figure 8, he did a good stand for exam. Stays have been our bugaboo, so I was thrilled he held his stand.
Heel off lead was fine, then we got to our recall. Again, that stay command really threw us off. He would get distracted the minute I got more than 10' away. I did get to do two recalls with him successfully, but obviously were not ready to go into the ring.
We did some heeling working on fast, where Quinn jumps at me a little; and we practiced our fronts and recalls. Then Robin had each of us do a Novice run through. Quinn got to go first, he did outstanding on heel on leash, and the figure 8, he did a good stand for exam. Stays have been our bugaboo, so I was thrilled he held his stand.
Heel off lead was fine, then we got to our recall. Again, that stay command really threw us off. He would get distracted the minute I got more than 10' away. I did get to do two recalls with him successfully, but obviously were not ready to go into the ring.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Quinn's class

I was very pleased Lucy was there as well as Osa, two dogs Quinn feels are 'out of control'. He has a tendency to bark and growl at them.
We did stand for exams, and he did great, Georgette came over and touched him, he didn't move at all. A very good boy. I then had a gentleman watching hold his leash while I did exams for the other dogs. He did very well, and asked for some attention then just stood and watched me.
As class progressed, I started feeling ill. As my health went downhill, Quinn's behavior went downhill as well. Barking and growling, lunging at the dogs he felt were dangerous.
I had to sit down, I thought I was going to pass out. Quinn sat in front of me and just growled at anyone who came near. Obviously he knew something was wrong and he had to protect me. I put him out in the car and sat there until I felt better.
I'm very proud of Quinn and the fact he did so well in the beginning of the class.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Danny's Achievement
I took Danny to the Drop in class at the Obedience Club and tried some Open exercises. Danny has issues with other dogs, so I'm very careful about him being near other dogs.
I began to teach him the Broad Jump exercise, one of the Open exercises I haven't ever tried to teach him. He did very well, I began with the three boards jammed up together and an Agility him over them. Had him jump that for a while, then opened the boards up to the distance required. After that I pulled the bar out of the Agility Jump then removed the uprights. When we go back this Thursday, I plan on keeping the boards at the distance required, but putting the Agility jump back.
After we practiced the broad jump another member asked to come into the ring to practice. Danny's met her dog and I thought it would be okay (and it was). I continued on and practiced Off Lead heeling and the Drop on Recall. We did retrieve on the flat--he had a nice clean pick up. When we did retrieve over the high, I realized I need to proof for the jump. He anticipated several times, then he went around the jump when the dumbbell went wide. I did not practice the stays (no point). Even if he never competes, I really enjoy training him. He's not Gita (my heart dog), but he's a damn good obedience dog.
I began to teach him the Broad Jump exercise, one of the Open exercises I haven't ever tried to teach him. He did very well, I began with the three boards jammed up together and an Agility him over them. Had him jump that for a while, then opened the boards up to the distance required. After that I pulled the bar out of the Agility Jump then removed the uprights. When we go back this Thursday, I plan on keeping the boards at the distance required, but putting the Agility jump back.
After we practiced the broad jump another member asked to come into the ring to practice. Danny's met her dog and I thought it would be okay (and it was). I continued on and practiced Off Lead heeling and the Drop on Recall. We did retrieve on the flat--he had a nice clean pick up. When we did retrieve over the high, I realized I need to proof for the jump. He anticipated several times, then he went around the jump when the dumbbell went wide. I did not practice the stays (no point). Even if he never competes, I really enjoy training him. He's not Gita (my heart dog), but he's a damn good obedience dog.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A New Year
Okay so it's been almost a full year since I last posted. The point of the blog was to keep me focused on my goals and to actually encourage me to train my dogs. Well I have been training my dogs, but I did get a little lost on the goal part, and I forgot to post to the blog!
The one goal I have acheived is Quinn is almost ready to go into the ring. I'm sending off his ILP application to the AKC today. He still is a little shaky on his stays, but he's doing much better and I hope to compete in the Seward County Kennel Club trial at the end of April.
Missy's goal of earning her NA and NAJ got sidetracked. I've still been working with her on Agility, but I postponed her Agility debut to get her RN instead. RN stands for Rally Novice title. It's an obedience title that kind of combines Agility and Obedience. I'm starting on retraining her weaves using the Susan Garrett 2x2 model.
Danny, my third dog (who I didn't have a goal for) actually earned his RN in July and I hope to get his TD in the next year.
Let's see if I can keep on track this year.
The one goal I have acheived is Quinn is almost ready to go into the ring. I'm sending off his ILP application to the AKC today. He still is a little shaky on his stays, but he's doing much better and I hope to compete in the Seward County Kennel Club trial at the end of April.
Missy's goal of earning her NA and NAJ got sidetracked. I've still been working with her on Agility, but I postponed her Agility debut to get her RN instead. RN stands for Rally Novice title. It's an obedience title that kind of combines Agility and Obedience. I'm starting on retraining her weaves using the Susan Garrett 2x2 model.
Danny, my third dog (who I didn't have a goal for) actually earned his RN in July and I hope to get his TD in the next year.
Let's see if I can keep on track this year.
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